Supercharge Your Weight Loss With Keto and the Ideal Protein Program

What is Keto?

The keto diet involves eating foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Originally designed to treat epilepsy in young children, the diet has since expanded to help anyone who is seeking rapid and efficient weight loss.

Keto works by inducing a state of ketosis in the body. Ketosis occurs when the body runs out of its default fuel source, glucose. Glucose most often comes from carbohydrates, a result of the body breaking down carbs into sugar. But when you stop eating carbohydrate-rich foods, the body naturally has to turn to another source of fuel, which is fat.

This is what makes keto so effective: its ability to turn you into a fat-burning machine. But eating high fat and low carb and forgetting about everything else isn’t the right strategy.

Why is Ideal Protein better?

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is a medically-developed four-phase program that utilizes the ketogenic diet paired with one-on-one supervision. The support you’ll receive from licensed medical professionals ensures the weight you lose is kept off safely and permanently.

What makes Ideal Protein different from DIY keto is that there is a focus on getting the right amount of protein in your diet. If you’re not careful while on keto, you could easily undereat protein. If that happens, your body would start to eat into your muscle mass for energy.

We don’t want that. That’s why we designed the program to make sure that our clients are eating enough protein, day in and day out. With Ideal Protein, weight loss comes mostly from fat, and only very little comes from precious muscle mass.

What are the four phases of Ideal Protein?

With Ideal Protein, our goal is to get you down to your weight goal and then transition you into a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain on your own.

In Phase 1, your journey begins with a lot of guidance from our medical staff. You will eat 3 of our in-house meals a day, plus 1 meal that you prepare at home. You will stay in Phase 1 until we help you reach your target weight.

In Phase 2 and 3, you will start to transition from our meals to ones that you prepare on your own. Phases 2 and 3 are two weeks each, and at the end of them, you’ll have a better grasp of what you need to do to live a healthier lifestyle.

In Phase 4, our goal is to make sure that the weight you lose is kept off permanently. We will continue helping you maintain your ideal weight so you look, feel, and live better. By this time, you will gain better eating habits and will be preparing healthy food at home.

To learn more about the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol, call Healthy Outcomes AZ at (928) 848-1451.

What can I eat on Ideal Protein?

At Healthy Outcomes, we believe that dieting doesn’t necessarily mean limiting yourself in terms of what you can eat. We have an abundance of choices that can fulfill your every craving.

We offer traditional breakfast foods like pancakes, omelets, and cereal. If you’re more of a grab-and-go person, we also have energy bars that you can take with you wherever you go.

For a more hearty meal, we have foods that you can take and make your own. Like our chili, which you can simply combine with beef broth and vegetables for a delicious and filling dinner. We also have all sorts of healthy chips that you can use as croutons to enhance your salads. With Ideal Protein, you’re free to consume as many raw vegetables as you can eat. We also have tasty drinks and dessert options that can satisfy your sweet tooth, so you never feel like you’re on a restrictive diet.

The food options we have here at Healthy Outcomes ensures you’ll never be bored with the program. And whatever food you choose, you can be certain that it’s high in satiating protein. Our foods contain whey, pea, and soy protein to keep your diet varied and engaging.

If you have a gluten allergy or any other kind of allergy, we’re here to accommodate you.

The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is designed to be inclusive to all adults that want to begin a healthy lifestyle.

Start a better weight loss journey now

If you’re struggling with weight loss and want something that’s simple and effective, Ideal Protein is for you. Our medical professionals will guide you through every step of the way on your weight loss journey. Book a consultation now and supercharge your weight loss with keto and the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol.


Healthy Outcomes AZ is Sedona’s Medical Spa. With the most advanced and clinically-proven products and services, such as Coolsculpting®, Viora skincare, BioTE hormone replacement, and so much more, Healthy Outcomes AZ is truly Sedona’s one-stop-shop for medical spa needs! Located at 2445 AZ-89A Suite 4, Sedona, AZ 86336, Healthy Outcomes AZ offers a free consultation for ALL products and services in order to determine if it the right fit for you and your goals!

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